Wednesday, May 15, 2019

How To Study The Bible

Every Christian ought to make time every day to study God's Word.... The Bible. Select a time that is best for you. A Time when you are fully awake. You don't want to merely read God's Word.... you want to really think about what God's Word is saying to you. It is not so important how much Bible you read at a time. You are not in a race to see how fast you can read the Bible...... you want to explore and examine what God has to say to you in His Word! You need to find a place where you can have some privacy. You need to be able to study God's Word without a lot of distraction. Prayer should be an important part of your Bible Study time. Pray that God will speak to you through His Word. Pray that God will help you to put into action the message He has for you. You should supplement your Bible Study by listening to the preaching and teaching of God's Word. On a typical day, I listen to 2 or 3 sermons a day on radio, TV, or the internet. Get the tools that will aid your Bible study..... tools like commentaries, Bible Atlas, Hebrew and Greek lexicons. Many of these tools are FREE on the internet. You should have at least one good Bible app on your smartphone or similar device. Once again, most of these apps are FREE. Two Bible apps that I recommend are Bible Gateway and Bible Hub. There is also another Bible app called Youversion. Many pastors use that one. Find a way to share with others what you learn from God's Word. You may want to start a Bible Study Blog or you may want to start some type of Bible Study group. Such a Bible Study group may or may not meet inside a local church building. It might be interesting to meet at a local restaurant or Public Park. Invite others to join your group. Do hook up with a local church where the Bible is taught and the Gospel is preached. Every Christian should be a member of a local church. A good church will help you to grow in your knowledge of God's Word and provide you with ministry opportunities that you can get involved in.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

About Sonshine USA

Sonshine USA is a print supplement to the Sonshine USA broadcast.This is a 30 minute daily internet radio broadcast where Warren Landis teaches the Bible. Warren is an ordained Southern Baptist Minister. You can tune in by going to .